Monday 27 February 2012

Types of magazines.

Before I start looking at the magazine companies I could create a magazine for, I'm going to look at the types of magazine.

-Photography and Art
-Cooking and Food
-Tv and Entertainment
-Home and Gardening
-Computers and Technology

I have decided to do a food magazine. The idea for that came to me hen my mum said she was baking another cake, which she does very often, so I thought it would be perfect to document in my magazine because her cakes always look very neat and professional.

I will be interviewing her as a famous cook and my dad as a food critique, which I thought would be quite funny because he loves my mums cakes.

Here are some drawings of layouts I had ideas for after looking at food magazines. (see word document)

The interview with the Chef and Food Critique.

The introduction to the magazine and a little bit about the editor, me.

Quick tips and easy snacks.

The contents page.

This is a plan for the 'Essentials for your kitchen' part.

This is an idea for the layout for a recipe I am planning on adding into the magazine.