Tuesday 13 March 2012

Word doc.

In our next brief we have been given the task of creating, designing and photographing our own magazine. It can be any kind of magazine we want and has to have a minimum of 6 pages and feature an interview inside. E.g If I was doing a car magazine I could make up an interview with a car enthusiast or a racing driver.

Before I start looking at the magazine companies I could create a magazine for, I'm going to look at the types of magazine.

-Photography and Art
-Cooking and Food
-TV and Entertainment
-Home and Gardening
-Computers and Technology

I have decided to create a food and kitchen magazine, because I am very interested in food and the way it can be photographed to look so appetising. It will include interviews from my mum as a chef and my dad as a food critique. A few main things that will also be included in the magazine are:

-An intro to the magazine from the designer and editor, me.
-A contents page
-Tips and tricks
-Front cover
-A few recipes
-Essentials for your kitchen

I had a look at a food magazine to see what the layout and designs were, and to give me ideas and tips:

This is the intro page, just a little bit about what is to come and about the editor.

This is the essentials page. Where the cooks and chefs give you tips on what is key to have when cooking, whether it pans or herbs.

These are some recipes that are included inside. They tell you what you need, how much, and how and when to cook it. There is also little cook’s notes sometimes, which give you helpful tricks and tips.

The contest page just tells you everything that is in the magazine and what page number it is on, which is very helpful if you are just wishing to look at one thing and want to find it quickly without flicking through the whole thing.

The front cover is the first thing you see before you start reading the magazine. It needs to be flashy and draw you in, make you want to read it. There are sometimes a few large headlines like, ’20 tips and tricks to help with the party season’ to get your attention.

The front cover is the first thing you see before you start reading the magazine. It needs to be flashy and draw you in, make you want to read it. There are sometimes a few large headlines like, ’20 tips and tricks to help with the party season’ to get your attention.

Kelsey Topping Interview 
Me: Hello Kelsey, thank you for coming.
Kel: It’s ok.
Me: Right, so first question. If you could change 3 things about yourself, what would they be?
Kel: My ‘Jelly Belly’, Forehead and Hairstyle.
Me: Really. Ok next question. Where is your dream place to live?
Kel: Australia.
Me: What did you do at the weekend?
Kel: Hung round at my boyfriends and did some babysitting.
Me: What is your favourite song?
Kel: Alligator sky, by Owl City.
Me: And last question, why so serious?
Kel: Coz I can.
Me: Thank you for your time.
Kel: Your welcome.

This is the kind of thing I will be doing, but with questions about food. I have started to think about the questions I will ask, here are a few of them:
-What is your favourite thing to cook or bake, and why?
-How long have you been cooking for, and have you always loved it?
-What is your favourite gadget to use in the kitchen, whilst you are cooking?
-Have you ever had a major food disaster?
-Where do you get your main inspiration for your recipes?


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